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Why it's good to be green

M O R E    A R T I C L E S
On The Side: Healthfully Highlight Your Yom Tov Meals
Free At Last! Unlimited Vegetables
Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa)
Spice Up Your Food & Spice Up Your Life(Part 2)

Tofu Turkeys And Veggie Thanksgivings
Marcia Bodenstein    11/1/01

No rule states that Thanksgiving has to feature turkey, or a real turkey for that matter. If you celebrate your freedom to be meatless, try these fast suggestions for a lowfat veggie “Turkey” Day…

The Obvious: Tofu Turkey – check your local health food store for a kosher tofu turkey or, if you don’t have time to order or buy a tofu turkey, you might want to try this recipe for Baked Tofu “Steak”:

Buy a product called Tofu Mate, which you may be familiar with, and which comes in flavors like Texas Taco, Mandarin Stir Fry, Szechuan, etc. Drain and dry a block of extra firm tofu as much as possible, and slice it lengthwise making two “steaks”. Dredge the tofu in the powdered flavoring and bake at 350 degrees on a pan that has been quickly but completely sprayed (or on which the spray has been spread by you with the help of a paper towel) for about 40 minutes.

If you can’t or don’t want to get the Tofu Mate, shake generous amounts of your favorite kitchen spices (some to try: onion powder, garlic powder, oregano, paprika) and use tomato sauce (remember that ¾ cup counts as the limited vegetable you can have once a day) to make the spice mixture into a paste. Coat the tofu in it and bake it the same way as you would the Tofu Mate tofu. Dress your finished product with fresh greens and garnish.

Some of the following recipes, in addition to those highlighted for Thanksgiving on our Home Page, will also make you thankful:

Seitan Stew
Tofu With Eggplant and Peppers
Potato Stuffed Peppers
Rice and Beans New Orleans
Meal In A Bowl
Sesame Eggplant Pasta

Don’t forget to check out our basic Thanksgiving suggestions for side dishes in our article “Let’s Talk Turkey” (Cook Nook). These really round out the meal.

Pescetarians should also take a look at our fish-featuring recipes in our Cook Nook section under “Entrees”. They are pretty creative alternatives to traditional turkey dinners.

Happy Kosher Vegetarian Thanksgiving!